Welcome to SBIOA, Patna Website
The Association was registered with the Registrar of Trade Union,
Government of Bihar in 1975. From small
beginning in 1972 when we had only 252 members,
today we are a mighty organization having over
6200 members.
Since the inception, the affairs of the Association have been
directed towards securing for the Officers fair
and equitable conditions of service through
bipartite process. The Circle Association has
been publishing a bi-monthly periodical
“SUP-POWER” which is registered with Registrar
of Newspapers and Publications, New Delhi. The
periodical gives valuable and current
information concerning the members and the
The objects of the Association is to organize and unite all officers
of State Bank of India and to have collective
bargaining with the State Bank Management, to
secure fair conditions of work and service, to
redress the grievances of members to meet the
economic, social, cultural and welfare needs of
Your Association survives on the strength of mutual bondage amongst
the members over-riding Grades and Scales. This
bond is strengthened by sharing of information
and keeping oneself updated with the
developments, both inside and outside the
organization. “SUP-POWER” is a medium of
communication but the advancement of technology
necessitates faster communication for which this
website has been conceptualized and designed.
The site is highly informative and should be a
great help to the membership in remaining
abreast with the developments.
The Management has also provide Intranet facility to the Association
which can be assessed on the address
http://www.sbioapatna.org/ , which is available
for our members in their work environment and
can be put to maximum use for remaining
connected with the latest developments. The
website has links to Internet Banking, EMS, all
Circulars and Magazines issued by the
Association and the Federation as well as links
to HR Deptt. of our circle wherein members can
view the pending IMT/ICT applications etc.
I welcome all the members of the Association to derive maximum
advantage of this site, and also request them to provide inputs
and suggestions for improvements in the contents
to us on our email
sbioa.patna@sbi.co.in . We shall
endeavour to respond to your suggestions.
With best wishes,
General Secreatary